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OEM Update

₹ 300 cr in capacity expansion

December 30, 2020 4:37 pm

Sterlite Technologies (STL) is planning to spend at least ₹ 300 crore to boost its optic fibre cable production capacity.

The company is looking to tap into demand for the product expected to rise to nearly 25 million fibre km by 2022, given its high-speed data connectivity and 5G networks.

STL’s investment will help increase its annual capacity for optical fibre cable production from 18 million to 33 million fibre km as telecom service providers have stepped up investments in digital network infrastructure.

STL operates in six countries and its capacity utilisation has exceeded pre-COVID-19 levels and expects to see further improvements in Q4/FY21.

Following the outbreak, Sterlite has reopened its manufacturing facilities in India, China and Europe in the middle of 2020.

The company recently diversified its portfolio to include optical interconnect network products and developed an end-to-end, multi-band radio solution and a smart 5G Indoor small cell Garuda.

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