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La Fondation Dassault Systèmes confirms its dedication to developing an innovative culture

La Fondation Dassault Systèmes confirms its dedication to developing an innovative culture

December 22, 2022 5:41 pm

Instilling an innovative culture is La Fondation Dassault Systèmes’ commitment to continue. As a result of its “Made In 3D: Seed the Future Entrepreneurs” programme, which benefits students at 100 schools.

La Fondation Dassault Systems reinforces its contribution to empowering students to be ready for the future with its “Made in 3D: Seed the Future Entrepreneurs” program, now benefiting 600 students across 100 schools in 31 states and union territories across India. The objective of the program is to create a culture of innovation and introduce school-going children to the world of start-ups and entrepreneurship, providing students with appropriate exposure through activity-based learning, exploration, and challenges, thereby preparing for the future. For this ambitious program, supported by many volunteers, La Fondation Dassault Systems has won the national ‘2022 CSR Impact Award” in the Skill development category for the second consecutive year.

Through this program, students from the 8th and 10th grades (ages 12 to 16) are introduced to the exciting world of “makers” and “startups.” The students conceptualize, design and manufacture their dream product, as well as create a marketing campaign, and launch it at the conclusion of the program. They create physical products using cutting-edge collaboration tools, specialised 3D design software, and 3D printing technology.

For previous season 2021-2022, La Fondation Dassault Systems selected 50 schools, with each of them forming pseudo-startups comprising six students and two teachers. This season saw 50 innovative products designed and developed by school students who stretched their
thought limits. A mosquito drone (Dr. Mosque) for remote blood testing, a 3D printed sheet- Green Shield for houses to retardsolar rays to maintain indoor temperature, a Cattle cleaner and massager by the name of Pashupal to reduce farmers’ efforts in cattle maintenance, an insect catching device, MISTI: Modern Indoor Solution for Trapping Insects and many other products show that each problem has a solution; we just need to Think outside the box.

“The ultimate aim of any programme is to see the positive change happening with the efforts “Students make such a difference, and we have the pleasure of witnessing such change happening,” said Hemant Gadgil, Executive Director, La Foundation Dassault Systems, India. “Many of these students are aspiring to submit patents for their innovative products and wish to launch an actual start-up to make their products available to a large audience. Additionally, this programme witnessed many girl students stepping out of their comfort zone, which helped boost their confidence to become future leaders,” he added.

The programme was initially conceptualised by La Main à la Pate Foundation in France and La Fondation Dassault Systems in Europe La Fondation Dassault Systems in India adopted this programme in 2020, and it has now been executing it in collaboration with the Atal Innovation Mission of NITI Aayog – Government of India since the year 2021-22.

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