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Kennametal: The new ‘Beyond Evolution’ profiling geometry enhances grooving & cut-off platform

Kennametal: The new ‘Beyond Evolution’ profiling geometry enhances grooving & cut-off platform

June 9, 2022 1:57 pm

Beyond Evolution can cover now more applications than ever and helps to save tooling cost.

Kennametal has introduced the new Grooving Universal Positive Profiling geometry (GUP-V), expanding on its Beyond Evolution grooving & cut-off platform. With the addition of the new V[1]shaped single-sided insert, Beyond Evolution can cover now more applications than ever and helps to save tooling cost.

“Since the introduction of the Beyond™ Evolution™ platform, we have continued to focus on enhancing its versatility, and the new GUP-V multidirectional profiling insert is no exception.” Says Robert Keilmann, Product Manager, Kennametal. “Together with the other insert geometries, users can now groove, cut-off, face, and turn a wide variety of materials with just a single tooling system. Simply put, when a customer adopts Beyond Evolution for their turning needs, they do not need anything else. It is that versatile.”

Like all other Beyond Evolution inserts, the GUP-V profiling insert leverages a proprietary Triple-V seating design that features contact on the top, bottom, and back of the insert, providing superior rigidity that results in excellent surface finishes and dimensional accuracy while delivering the highest metal removal rates. Click here for more information: Beyond Evolution

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