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Expansion in line of industrial RTUs

Expansion in line of industrial RTUs

December 12, 2020 11:52 am

Red Lion Controls announces the expansion of its SixTRAK line of industrial RTUs with the launch of ST- IPm-8460 powered by the Red Lion Workbench, which uses an IEC61131-3 compliant editor and runtime engine. Designed for applications that need increased processing and communication speed and storage, the new RTU provides the flexibility and reliability that customers require and expect from Red Lion to monitor and control equipment. The ability of the ST-IPm-8460 to operate in harsh and hazardous locations is achieved through UL Class I, Div 2 certification, an ABS listing, and an operating temperature range of -40°C to 70°C. 

The combination of ST-IPm-8460 and Red Lion Workbench can easily support large, complex projects across multiple devices. The Red Lion Workbench provides customised control, standard language support, powerful debugging/monitoring tools, project automation, and controller redundancy. 

Whether your application monitors a few data points or thousands, the ST-IPm-8460 can be easily configured to meet your needs using Red Lion’s EtherTRAK-2 I/O modules. Available for private labeling, the ST-IPm-8460 also offers dual power inputs and support for redundant Ethernet networks for increased uptime, while a multitude of communication ports and supported protocols enable connectivity to a variety of field devices. 

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